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品格为中国英国商会提供E → C高级翻译,翻译内容:致中国商务部感谢信。
Sample of real translation (Confidentiality retained with XX)

With COVID-19 controls now behind us, business can look to a period of much greater certainty. The resumption of travel makes possible once more the important people exchanges upon which personal, professional and political relationships are built. This positive development, which includes the gradual increase of direct flights and issuance of visas for foreign nationals, has been well-received by the British business community in China and we look forward to strengthened business and economic relations between our two countries.
China has reopened its doors to the world, and we are seeing already some of our members' global executives making their way to China. Many others are actively planning their visits. Our hope is that we will see quickly a return to a more stable and predictable business outlook and that this will significantly boost confidence amongst our members.

下一篇:品格为生态环境部提供C→E高级翻译,翻译内容:Narrative Report。