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Balthus (1908-2001), the master of modern “European representationalism”, once said of Giorgio Morandi that “Morandi is undoubtedly the closest European painter to Chinese painting. He saves his pen and ink to the extreme. His painting has a different realm, which is consistent with Chinese art in concept. He was not content to express the world he saw, but to use his problems to express his feelings.” In an era of chaos and turmoil, Morandi, the Italian painter who led a lonely life all the time, lived together with jars and cans in daily life for a lifetime, interpreting the true essence of art with still life.
意大利画家乔治·莫兰迪(Giorgio Morandi,1890--1964),出生于意大利博洛尼亚,以其具有强烈个人色彩的小幅静物画和风景画而闻名于世。莫兰迪毕生都在其位于博洛尼亚的简朴的工作室内潜心创作,极少离开意大利,但是他的画作让人不由得联系起遥远的东方,那种在平凡事物中寻找艺术真谛的精神,和中国的文人士大夫画家遥相呼应。
The Italian painter Giorgio Morandi (1890-1964) was born in Bologna, Italy, and was renowned all over the world for his small-size still life paintings and landscape paintings featuring strong personal style. Morandi devoted all his lifetime to art creation at his humble studio in Bologna. Despite the fact that he seldom left Italy, his paintings were reminiscent of the far Eastern world spontaneously. Upholding the spirit of finding the true essence of art in ordinary things, he echoed with Chinese literati and scholar-official painters.

