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Sample of real translation (Confidentiality retained with XX)


The project team will conduct publicity activities on the official websites and WeChat official accounts of government departments. On important days—such as the Earth Day, the World Environment Day, and the National Low-carbon Day—the project team will plan and hold three public events on carbon inclusion, so as to attract wider public participation and practice in green and low-carbon behaviors, thereby enhancing the influence of Nanjing’s carbon inclusion in Nanjing.
On one hand, building market-oriented mechanisms is to consume points and emission reductions. On the other hand and more importantly, by putting in place such mechanisms, the project team aims to push for more individuals or enterprises to participate in Nanjing’s carbon inclusion efforts, diversify existing carbon inclusion scenarios, and to make the participants more enthusiastic.
To these ends, firstly, the project team will study the policies and regulations regarding the alignment of carbon inclusion scenarios built by enterprises on their own with Nanjing’s existing carbon inclusion scenario system, so as to make enterprises more enthusiastic towards participation, motivate enterprises to innovate and provide more voluntary emission reduction schemes. Secondly, the project team will study incentive policies that can keep more enterprises motivated to voluntarily reduce emissions and build carbon inclusion scenarios. Thirdly, the project team will study points rules. By piggybacking on the existing business alliance system in the APP “mynj”, the project team will enable the public to consume their points at specific merchants within the system, thus making the influence of the system wider while growing the customer flow of merchants.

