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品格为中国教育科学研究院(China’s National Institute of Education Sciences )提供母语级翻译,语种:CHI → ENG,内容:教育行业论文。
Sample of real translation (Confidentiality retained with XX)

Other than family members, teachers are adults that students interact with most frequently. They’re thus the most suitable spokespersons and protectors of students’ needs. Even though teachers have taken on a lot of care tasks in addition to teaching, they are still unable to meet the increasing welfare needs of today’s era. First of all, the teachers lack a full understanding of student welfare. In turn, it affects their ability to identify and satisfy student needs. When teachers talk about student welfare, they generally think of material needs rather than non-economic welfare. In the pre-service cultivation and post-service training of teachers, the questions of how to discover, respond to, and provide student welfare are also often overlooked.
大部分教师的精力都集中在帮助学生获取知识、学会学习等方面,忽视了学校在学生发展的其他方面的责任。其次,教育的创伤和治疗性质也没有得到足够认识。学校是家庭之外给学生提供形成性经验的主要场域,有的学生在学校获得成长获得幸福体验,有的学生在学校艰难度日。学习或考试失败、排名靠后对学生自尊和情感带来持续创伤,由于熟视无睹因此很少被视为教育的副作用。教师在教学中将认知学习和心理建设结合起来能够产生治疗性影响,但工作繁重且缺乏训练,教师很难让自己的教学活动发 挥治疗作用。
Most teachers devote their time to teaching students how to learn and how to study, ignoring other responsibilities the school takes on for students’ development. Secondly, the traumatic and therapeutic nature of education is not fully recognized. Schools are the main place outside the home to provide students with formative experiences. Some students grow up and experience happiness in school, while others struggle to live in school. Failing studies or exams and being low in rankings cause persistent trauma to students’ self-esteem and emotions. Yet, this is rarely seen as a side effect produced by education due to indifference. The combination of cognitive learning and psychological construction in teaching by teachers can have a therapeutic impact, but the heavy workload and lack of training make it difficult for teachers to make their teaching therapeutic.
Thirdly, the teachers are unable to adapt to different student backgrounds. Teachers with a sense of social class often openly tell students in poverty to study hard for their parents and overlook ways to cultivate the student’s intrinsic motivation for learning. Teachers who lack the sense of social class tend to ignore the differences in development needs and methods of students from different classes. They may, for instance, ignore the sense of fairness that students in poverty are sensitive to. Previous studies have shown that if teachers can identify the needs of students, they can recognize personal and professional value from caring for students; otherwise, they will be confused about their roles in the process of caring for students, question the professional boundaries, and underrate their professional ability in self-evaluation.

上一篇:品格翻译为美国能源基金会(Energy Foundation)提供"母语级"翻译,翻译内容:《中国家用空调出口产品能效研究报告》
下一篇:品格为科智集团公司提供高级翻译,语种:CHI → ENG,内容:集团公司介绍 。