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品格为中国教育科学研究院提供母语级中译英,翻译内容:家庭社会经济地位对小学生成绩预测效应的追踪研究。Education Survey translation (Native-tongue Level) for China’s National Institute of Education Sciences

家庭 SES 与学生成绩关系的量化研究大多仅限于二者的相关程度,并且成绩多为一次测验的结果,信度较低。全面研究学生家庭 SES 平均效应、其非线性特征、时间效应,以及成绩变异在家庭 SES分布上的变化,不仅在理论上有助于丰富家庭 SES 与学生成绩关系的相关研究,在实践上也有助于更科学地控制过大的学生成绩差异。
Most of the quantitative studies on the relationship between family SES and students’ achievements are limited to the degree of correlation between the two. The scores used are mostly the result of one test, with low reliability. A comprehensive study of the average effect and non-linear characteristics of family SES, the effect of time, and the change in the variance of students’ achievements according to the distribution of family SES will help enrich the pool of studies on the relationship between family SES and students’ achievements in theory, and is also useful for more scientific control of excessive difference in students’ achievements in practice.
社会学者认为,社会分层变量有累积效应,学校效能研究者认为学校过程性变量有累积效应,都符合常理,但是累积效应如何测量?如果判断标准仅仅是早期变量能够预测后测成绩的话,累积效应并不能说明效应随着时间变化而增大。专注于家庭 SES 效应的研究者习惯于只关注家庭 SES 和时间两个变量,对过程性变量是否会改变家庭 SES 与学生成绩的关系则关注很少;而学校效能研究者热衷于论证学校效应的大小,将家庭 SES变量当作控制变量对待。但如果过程性变量是社会分层变量的中介变量,学校效应增大也不能下结论说学校教育是公平的。
Sociologists believe that the social stratification variable has a cumulative effect, while school effectiveness researchers believe that the school procedural variable also has that effect, both of which make sense. But how is the cumulative effect to be measured? If the criterion is only that early variables can predict post-test results, the cumulative effect cannot explain that the effect increases over time. Researchers who focus on the effect of family SES tend to pay attention to two variables, family SES and time, but pay little attention to whether or not the procedural variable will change the relationship between family SES and students’ achievements. Researchers of school effectiveness are keen to demonstrate the size of school effect and treat the variable of family SES as a control variable. However, if the procedural variable is the intervening variable of the variable of social stratification, the conclusion that school education is fair cannot be reached based on the increase of school effect.

为低家庭 SES 学生提供补偿教育。发达国家对低家庭 SES 儿童实施补偿教育已经多年,我国除了教师自发的补课行为,没有规范的针对低家庭 SES 学生特点的补偿教育。根据累积优势效应理论,低家庭 SES学生尤其是男生一旦在人生早期阶段落后,等他成熟到知道用功学习的时候已经几乎没有可能再追上其他阶层的学生。这些儿童如果得不到额外的帮助和支持,不仅影响其个人生活和发展,还有可能导致社会问题增多。因此,国家应该在学校或社区实施补偿教育计划。
Secondly, compensatory education should be provided for students with low family SES. Developed countries have implemented compensatory education for low family SES children for many years. In China, there is no standardized compensatory education suitable for the characteristics of students with low family SES except teachers’ spontaneous tutoring. According to the cumulative advantage effect theory, once students with low family SES, especially boys, lag behind in early life, it is almost impossible for them to catch up with students from other classes by the time they are mature enough to study hard. The absence of additional help and support for these children not only affects their personal lives and development, but may also lead to growing social problems. Therefore, the state should implement compensatory education programs in schools or communities.
以上“母语级译文”由品格首席英文译者郝秀与品格首席母语专家Linda Kennedy(英籍)联手完成。郝秀老师负责将中文准确、完整、清晰地翻译到英文,Linda老师在此基础上,用地道的英式英语进行“改写(rewriting)”,改写后的译文再次由郝秀老师进行复核、定稿,最终译文不但在意义上忠实于中文原稿,且英语原汁原味。既做到了学术上的严谨,又做到了英语行文的地道(Authentic English),对客户后期开展国际学术交流提供了很好的支持。

外籍语言专家:Linda Kennedy女士,英国人,毕业于格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)英语文学专业,先后作为记者&作家供职于英国主流媒体(如路透社等);作为品格翻译公司中译英母语级语言专家,在过去10多年中与中方译者一起,先后为世界自然基金会,中国城市规划设计研究院,中国环境科学研究院,中国教育科学研究院,中国空间技术研究院,美国能源基金会等重量级单位提供母语级翻译服务,获得一致好评。

上一篇:Market Due-Diligence Report Translation: A report to China Power International Holding Limited, Eng → Chi. 我们为中国电力国际有限公司提供专业级翻译;翻译内容:《电力行业尽职调查报告》;翻译语种:英译中。