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​2017-11-6 品格翻译继续为中国空间技术研究院提供高级英语翻译(Aerospace Translation, Technical Translation),翻译方向:中译英。翻译内容:《宇航用瞬态抑制二极管电性能应用验证方法研究》(宇航领域)。
2017-11-6 品格翻译继续为中国空间技术研究院提供高级英语翻译(Aerospace Translation, Technical Translation),翻译方向:中译英。翻译内容:《宇航用瞬态抑制二极管电性能应用验证方法研究》(宇航领域)。
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS), as an effective protective device in the form of diode, has found wider application in power circuits and signal circuits of aerospace models, which aims to protect secondary power and signal circuits. TVS only operates in case of circuit abnormality, which however is hard to be simulated, and it is also hard to measure whether such abnormality damages other circuits, thus it is necessary to carry out comprehensive application validation on such devices for aerospace applications. A validation method about the electrical performance of TVS for aerospace applications has been studied in the paper, which is analyzed based on application demands of aerospace models, and the test items and test method for electrical performance validation have been devised as well. Based on this method, the electrical performance of XX TVS manufactured by Beijing Microelectronics Technology Institute has been subjected to application validation, with a comprehensive evaluation on the electrical performance of the device achieved. This method can also be promoted in the application validation of other TVS for aerospace applications.
High-level TVS for aerospace applications involves sophisticated R&D and manufacturing technologies and higher demands on processing. Major manufacturers of such device are mainly located in the US, including Microsemi and Sensitron. Series manufacturing, which features higher automation, has been realized for this product, and its production yield and reliability are also very high. However, R&D for high-level TVS in China started late, with only several common models being researched and developed. The domestic production lacks R&D experience, product readiness and reliability. Yet, a number of aerospace engineering projects advance rapidly, including long-lived satellite, manned space flight project, Beidou navigation satellite system, and lunar exploration program, thus raising huger demand on this product. In order to boost the independent innovation and unbounded development of Chinese TVS for spacecraft, it is an urgent need to carry out application validation on the newly developed TVS in China, to comprehensively validate the performance of the device, thereby ensuring successful application of new devices in aerospace engineering. 

上一篇:2017-12-27品格翻译继续为某日资公司提供高级日语翻译(Environmental Protection Translation, Chinese-Japanese),翻译方向:中译日。翻译内容:《场地环境评价报告》。
下一篇:​2017-11-15 品格翻译继续为中国城市规划设计研究院提供高级英语翻译(Urban Planning Translation),翻译方向:中译英。翻译内容:《自然与历史文化保护地保护利用技术规范》(城市规划领域)。