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Power System Transformation (ENG - CHI) 我们为国际能源署(International Energy Agency, IEA)提供技术翻译(英译中),中文译稿提供给中国国家能源局,翻译内容:中国电力系统转型报告。
China has made major achievements in its economic development while transforming growth model. With the gross domestic product (GDP) rising from 54 trillion to 80 trillion yuan, China has maintained its position as the world’s second largest economy and contributed more than 30 percent of global economic growth. China’s achievement in recent years was highlighted in the 19th national congress meeting:
· Supply-side structural reform has made further headway, bringing a steady improvement in the economic structure; overcapacity in some sectors have been curbed.
· 供给侧结构性改革取得新进展,经济结构稳步改善;部分行业的产能过剩已得到抑制。
· The construction of infrastructure has been promoting; emerging industries like the digital economy are thriving.
· 基础设施建设一直在推进;诸如数字经济此类新兴产业蓬勃发展。
· The level of urbanization has risen, more than 80 million people have transferred from rural to urban areas.
· 城市化水平有所提高,8,000多万农业转移人口成为城镇居民。
· Regional development has become more balanced; several regional developing plans including the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the development of the Yangtze economic belt, the northeast industrial base revitalization, the middle-China rejuvenation, the western development has been promoting.
· 区域发展变得更加平衡;几个区域发展计划一直在推进,包括京津冀协调发展,长江经济带发展,振兴东北工业基地,复兴中国中部地区,以及西部大开发。
· More than 60 million people have been lifted out of poverty, and the poverty headcount ratio has dropped from 10.2 percent to less than 4 percent.
· 已有6,000多万人摆脱贫困,贫困率从10.2%下降到不到4%。
· Efforts to develop a system for building an ecological civilization have been accelerated; the intensity of energy and resource consumption has been significantly reduced.
· 已加快建立生态文明建设体系;能源和资源消耗的强度已大大降低。
Power system optimization
China has made optimising the structure of power supply a top priority since the early 2000s. The goals were to reduce the share of coal in power generation and increase the use of renewable energy, natural gas and nuclear power. The goals of reducing the coal share to 58% by 2020 and achieving 15% of power from sources other than fossil fuels in the total energy consumption are binding in the 13th Five-Year Plan (NDRC, 2016). China continues to set ambitious targets for renewable energy capacity and generation, which have consistently provided impressive acceleration in renewable deployment over the past decade.
China is embarking on a process of power market reform which was initiated in 2015. This reform plans to reduce the involvement of government in several key stages of the power market, while at the same time reinforcing is supervisory and planning roles. The expected key outcomes of this reform are to reduce average electricity costs through competition, and to increase the utilization of clean energy.
System flexibility is seen as a crucial aspect in power system optimization. Increasing the flexibility of coal power has been identified by the government as a near-term step for the overall system flexibility. China committed to retrofit 133 GW of CHP and 86 GW of pure condensing coal powers to enhance their operational flexibility by 2020. This represents about one-fifth of the installed coal capacity. Meanwhile, China also plans to develop more flexible generation sources including gas power and pumped hydro power.
系统灵活性被视为电力系统优化的关键方面。为提高整体系统灵活性,政府已决定近期先提高煤电灵活性。中国承诺在2020年前改造133 GW热电联产和86 GW纯凝煤电机组,以提高其运营灵活性。这约占煤炭装机容量的五分之一。同时,中国还计划开发更灵活的发电源,包括燃气发电和抽水蓄能发电。

上一篇:MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION (ENG - CHI) 我们为某大型集团公司提供商务翻译(英译中),翻译内容:公司组织章程大纲及章程细则。
下一篇:学校給食 (JPN - CHN) 。我们为中国教育科学院(China National Institute of Education Sciences)提供日语翻译(日译中),翻译内容:日本学校配餐。