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2012-4-10 品格继续为某外资公司提供高级英语翻译(绩效管理手册翻译)。

Performance Management Overview
Performance management is the foundational element of any organization’s management efforts. It represents all of the processes that managers use to effectively lead, manage, develop, reward and assess employees. It is a set of management practices that:
绩效管理是一个公司的基本管理要素,它涵盖管理者为有效地引导、管理 、培养、奖励与评估员工而采用的所有流程,是一系列管理实践的集合,包括:
ƒ establishes measurable goals and objectives for employees;
ƒ assesses attainment of such objectives; and,
ƒ uses this information to improve performance through coaching, compensation, development and other means.
ƒ 建立衡量员工的目标;
ƒ 评估此类目标的成效;以及
ƒ 使用此信息并通过指导、报酬、发展和其他手段提高绩效。
Performance management is a core business process driven by business strategy that impacts the people management processes.
Most importantly, performance management is leadership. In fact, high-impact performance management is about much more than a single “event” – it is about supporting performance on a continuous basis.To be effective needs to be continuous and consistent. Effective performance management is a series of ongoing activities – performance setting and revising, managing and coaching, giving corrective and constructive feedback, development planning, rewarding and recognizing, with performance appraisal events interspersed throughout this process.

The P3 system outcome is a performance matrix in which every employee will be positioned, accordingly to the score received after assessing them on the two performance dimension: leadership behavior and achievements.
In fact, during the overall evaluation phase, you will be asked to fill out a performance form and score each achievement and leadership behavior with a 5 point scale, as shown in the table below. The result is a 25 box matrix that will be used to differentiate top performers from lower performers, and segmenting the employees according to their level of professional performance and maturity. In fact, the 25 box matrix is a tool that allows you as a team leader to effectively highlight the diverse performance of your people by individuating the most crucial dimensions to improve between leadership and achievements.
Continuous Feedback
Manager/s can add comments to keep track of observations/examples: the online system provides a dedicated area: the Dialogue Diary. The Dialogue Diary is like a notebook where managers can keep tracking the daily interactions with their employees. Managers are also leaders: they have to coach and manage their reports during the performance evaluation period with ongoing observation and feedback.



上一篇:2012-4-20 品格继续为某国际组织提供母语级英语翻译(文化翻译)。
下一篇:2012-3-30 品格与某专业金属报达成长期战略合作关系,为其提供英语翻译(金属材料翻译)。