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品格为美国能源基金会(The Energy Foundation)提供CHI→ENG专业级翻译,翻译内容:时政简报。
Sample of real translation (Confidentiality retained with XX)
In November, five departments including the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, issued the Advanced Level, Energy-saving Level and Access Level of the Energy Efficiency of Key Energy-using Products and Equipment (2022 Version), classifying the energy efficiency of 20 relevant products and equipment like industrial motors and household air conditioners into three levels, namely advanced level, energy-saving level and access level. Vigorous efforts will be made to promote energy-efficient products and equipment, improve policies related to government green procurement, and expand the scope of green procurement products. In particular, the document notes that when introducing policies and measures to stimulate consumption, all local governments should adhere to the green and low-carbon approach, and subsidies, trade-ins, reward points and other methods are encouraged to guide residents in purchasing products and equipment at the advanced energy efficiency level.
In December, the Low Carbon Planet applet, jointly forged by the Shenzhen Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau, China Emissions Exchange and Tencent, announced the conclusion of the first trading of PHCERs. The emission reductions accumulated by the users were listed on the China Emissions Exchange and the transaction was completed by returning the full amount to users in the form of subway tickets. In 2022, more than 1 million Shenzhen citizens accumulated carbon credits through the Low Carbon Planet and recorded their emission reductions generated from the travelling by public transit. At present, the highest record of personal carbon credits accumulated by Shenzhen citizens is 8,317 points, equivalent to nearly 1 ton of cumulative carbon reductions, which can be exchanged for 69 subway tickets.

12月,上海报业集团界面新闻、商道纵横发布《2022中国可持续消费报告》。报告显示,传统媒体依旧是大多数消费者了解低碳产品和消费的渠道。其中电视、广播、报刊、书籍和公共场所的公益宣传分别占比 62.80% 和 62.61%。提到低碳产品时,大部分消费者会先联想到电子电器、纸品清洁类、汽车及配饰,分别占比 34.88%、34.24% 和 34.13%。在阻碍消费者购买低碳产品的因素中,难以辨别是不是低碳产品占到50.75%,价格高太多占到44.94%。对于二手产品,超过 60% 的受访者需要便宜到四折及更低才会购买。
In December, JIEMIAN under Shanghai United Media Group and SynTao released the China Sustainable Consumption Report 2022. According to the Report, traditional media remain the channel for most consumers to know about low-carbon products and consumption. Specifically, non-profit publicity through TV, radio, newspapers, and books and that in public spaces account for 62.80% and 62.61% respectively. When it comes to low-carbon products, most consumers will first think of electronic and electrical products, paper and cleaning products, and automobiles and accessories, with their respective share of 34.88%, 34.24% and 34.13%. Among the factors preventing consumers from purchasing low-carbon products, difficulty in telling whether the products are low-carbon or not accounts for 50.75%, and excessively high price accounts for 44.94%. Regarding second-hand products, over 60% of respondents will buy them only if the products are as cheap as 60% off or even cheaper.
