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品格为盈科律师事务所提供CHI→ENG专业级翻译,翻译内容:尽职调查报告(Due Diligence Report)
Sample of real translation (Confidentiality retained with XX)
北京市盈科律师事务所 (下称“本所”)接受XX(下称“贵司”)的委托,就XX有限公司(下称“XX”或“XX”)拟进行股权转让项目(下称“项目”), 对XX进行法律尽职调查。
Under the entrustment of XX (hereinafter referred to as “Your Company”), Beijing Yingke Law Firm (hereinafter referred to as the “Law Firm”) has conducted legal due diligence investigation on XX Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “XX” or “the Company”) with regard to its equity transfer project to be conducted (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”).

According to provisions of applicable laws, regulations and normative documents of the People’s Republic of China, in combination with project documents provided by XX and relevant information from investigation through public approaches, and based on the business standards, ethics, and due diligence spirits recognized by the legal industry of the People’s Republic of China, the Law Firm hereby issues the legal due diligence report (hereinafter referred to as the “Report”) based on completed legal due diligence investigation work.
The purpose of this legal due diligence investigation is to warn of relevant legal risks of this Project for your Company’s reference in making decisions by researching the main body, business qualifications, asset ownership, creditor’s rights and debts, etc. of XX in the People’s Republic of China (limited only to the Chinese mainland).

上一篇:品格为北京忆恒创源科技公司提供CHI→ENG专业级翻译,翻译内容:Memblaze发布PBlaze6 6930企业级SSD。