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  • 1. The translation field in China abounds with unqualified translators who take on interpreting jobs as a side hustle. At last count, some one million people on the Chinese Mainland were offering to translate for money. But too often quality is substandard and deadlines are missed. Your words matter, so take care to whom you entrust them.
    2. The key to reliability is in-house talent. A significant number of translation companies in China skip this step and, instead, turn to part-time workers on an ad hoc basis. Cue trouble. Their clients have complained about extensions to turn around times and clumsy language presented as final work. The lesson: choose a longstanding agency with its own in-house team.
    3. Requesting a ‘test translation’ is not a dependable way to choose a translation company. Some translation companies put senior translators on the test then switch to more junior staff once the company has got the contract. The quality shown in a 500 word test translation isn’t necessarily replicated across a 3,000 or 30,000 word translation.
    4. Many translation companies in China calculate their fee by counting the Chinese characters, without spaces. And they do that both when the translation is from Chinese to other languages, and when it’s from other languages to Chinese.
    5. Another financial fact. Those one million people in China mentioned before who claim to provide translation services? They deluged the market with so many offers that a price war broke out. Quotations vary wildly, but beware any ‘bargains’ offered for translations and interpretations. Low price never means top notch.
    6. In mainland China, if you need to submit translation documents to local authorities, ask your translation company to stamp the documents before you submit them.
    7. Ask your translation company to provide ‘Fapiao’ which is a Chinese invoice issued by the local tax bureau. On the Chinese mainland, Fapiao can offset part of your income so you can legally reduce taxes due.
    8. And finally, here’s your easy number 8 ‘aide-memoire’ for finding a great translation firm in China. Select a company with an in-house linguistic team, then check the company has a stable history with proven capacity to deliver, and be sure it has a business address in a corporate office in a downtown area.