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2017-5-18 品格翻译继续为北京市发改委提供高级翻译,翻译方向:中译英。翻译内容:可持续城市案例。

1. 支持上海市制定《上海街道设计导则》,引领“道路”向 “街道”概念的转变;同时支持住建部编制了《城市设计管理办法》;

1. Facilitate Shanghai in developing Shanghai Street Design Guidelines, and guide shifting the concept from “roads” to “streets”; and facilitate the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department in developing Administrative Measures for Urban Design;

2. 作为国内最早推动公交引导城市发展(TOD)理念的机构之一,在昆明、重庆等约10个城市开展了规划实践项目,同时支持住建部编制了《城市轨道沿线地区规划设计导则》 ;Carry out planning and practical projects in ten cities including Kunming and 2. Chongqing, and facilitate the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department in developing Guidelines for Planning and Design of Regions along Urban Rail Lines as one of the institutes that initially promote the concept of Transit-oriented Development in China;

3. 支持住建部编制《城市步行和自行车交通系统规划设计导则》,推动步行和自行车交通系统的建设和实施;

3. Facilitate the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department in developing Guidelines for Planning and Design of Pedestrian and Bicycle Traffic System, and promote construction and implementation of pedestrian and bicycle traffic system;

4. 支持中国绿色建筑从自愿到强制、从单体到城区成片推广的政策体系建设的全过程。持续支持提升建筑能效的相关国家和地方政策和标准的研究和实施,支持国家住房和城乡建设部“十二五”及“十三五”建筑节能与绿色建筑发展规划的研究和制定。

4.  Facilitate the compulsory establishment of policy system for green building in China, and promote it to wider urban area. Steadily bolster study and implementation of relevant state and local policies and standards of improving construction energy efficiency, and support study and formulation of construction energy saving and green construction development plan for the “12th Five-year Plan” and the “13th Five-year Plan” periods of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

上一篇:2017-5-23 品格翻译继续为美国某光学产品公司提供高级翻译,翻译方向:英译中。翻译内容:光学产品临床研究试验方案。
下一篇:2017-5-11 品格翻译继续为中国城市规划设计研究院提供高级翻译,翻译方向:英译中。翻译内容:城市规划(该内容翻译成中文后将由中国建筑工业出版社出版发行)。