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2017-7-28 品格翻译继续为某国字头研究院提供城市规划设计领域高级翻译(Urban Planning Translation),翻译方向:中译英;翻译内容:城市发展与轨道交通建设。



Urban Development and Rail Transit Construction


Abstract: The development of rail transit construction presents an effective approach to mitigation of city diseases such as traffic congestion, traffic pollution, poor environment that hinders green travel and parking problem. In face of the grand opportunities of rail transit development, it is essential to discuss how to scientifically plan the urban rail transit system, to boost urban cluster development and improve urban traffic conditions. The contents of urban traffic are summarized, namely the inherent elements of urban formation and development. The urban traffic should meet people’s demands and enable effective and sustainable operations of cities. The development status is analyzed and problems and cruxes are summarized from the perspective of technology maturity of vehicles, domestication level, diversification in rail transit forms, the matching of rail transit planning and construction scale with urban formation and development stage, authentication and standard systems, land development that integrates traffic function and urban function, and linkage and transfer of multi-modal public transit, etc. Focus is placed on the basic urban conditions that rail transit research should be concerned about, and guiding thoughts and specific suggestions are put forward on the scientific planning of rail transit systems in cities and metropolitan areas.


Keywords: urban rail transit; urban development; metropolitan area; priority development of public traffic

上一篇:2017-8-5 品格翻译为某医疗科技公司提供高级商务翻译(Business Translation),翻译方向:英译中。翻译内容:商业计划书。
下一篇:2017-7-23 品格翻译继续为法国某跨国公司提供高级商务翻译(Business Translation),翻译方向:法译中。翻译内容:股东会决议。