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Translating the Introduction of TRADITIONAL AZERBAIJANI CARPET for THE EMBASSY OF AZERBAIJAN in CHINA, Eng → Chi. 我们为阿塞拜疆驻中国大使馆提供翻译。翻译内容:《阿塞拜疆地毯介绍》。翻译语种:英译中。翻译级别:专业级

Azerbaijan is a country that since ancient times has been famed for its art with carpet weaving playing the leading role. Carpet weaving for the Azerbaijani people has always been the very sphere of culture, where it’s the rich inner world, world out­ look and aesthetics are reflected. For centuries, Azerbaijanis were born, lived and died on carpets.

Origins of carpet weaving in Azerbaijan are traced back to the Bronze Age. Archaeological findings and written sources testify that as early as in the 2nd millennium BC people living in the territory of Azerbaijan used to weave various carpet-wares.

Azerbaijan in the Middle Ages was one of the outstanding centers of carpet-making in the whole Orient. The diversity of nature, various historical, economic and social factors made a great contribution to the variety of Azerbaijani carpets. Each region of Azerbaijan is famous for its original carpets and carpet-ware being quite peculiar to each place. The practice of carpet-weaving originated in rural areas and as time passed developed into an essential craft in Azerbaijani culture. There are several historical sources that speak of Azerbaijani carpets. They are mentioned in the writings of Greek historians Herodotus and Xenophon, Chinese traveler Xuan Tes Ank, and Arabian travelers Al-Movsudi and Al-Mugaddasi.
在中世纪,阿塞拜疆是著名的东方地毯编织中心之一。自然环境的多样化,以及丰富的历史、经济和社会因素,造就了阿塞拜疆地毯的多姿多彩。阿塞拜疆不同地区都有独具当地特色的地毯和地毯用品。阿塞拜疆的地毯编织技艺起源于农村地区,随着时间的推移,如今它已经变成了阿塞拜疆文化的精华。有许多历史文献中都提到了阿塞拜疆地毯,如古希腊历史学家希罗多德和色诺芬、中国旅行家Xuan Tes Ank和阿拉伯旅行家Al-Movsudi与Al-Mugaddasi等人在他们的著作中均有提及。

上一篇:Translating Green Industry Guidance Catalogue (2019 Edition) for WWF, Chi-Eng. 我们为某世界级基金会提供翻译。翻译内容:《绿色产业指导目录(2019年版)》。翻译语种:中译英。翻译级别:出版级(母语级)
下一篇:News Translation for FUXI INSTITUTION, Chi → Eng. 我们为伏羲智库提供新闻翻译。翻译语种:中译英。翻译级别:专业级