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​2018-9-5 (Global Climate Action Summit, CHI-ENG) 品格翻译继续为某跨国能源机构提供高级中译英翻译服务。翻译内容:全球气候行动峰会。
全球气候行动峰会即将开幕 中国故事精彩纷呈!想了解更多内容或现场参与?点这里!
As Global Climate Action Summit is about to unfold, wonderful China Story awaits to be staged! Want to learn more or join in? Click here!
The decarbonization of the global economy is now here to stay. Technological innovation, policy reform and political will on each side are forming joint forces to drive changes in each region and each department worldwide.
9月12日-14日, 全球气候行动峰会将在美国加利福尼亚州旧金山举办。通过此次峰会,世界各国领导人和人民,将进一步提升应对气候变化的雄心( Take Ambition to the Next Level)。在此,全球各国、地区、城市、企业、投资者和民众将共同庆祝所取得的气候成就。全球气候行动峰会也将进一步深化全世界的承诺,并在社会各界的支持下加速各国的气候行动,以防范气候变化的危害,推动到2020年降低全球碳排放量,并向本世纪中叶实现零排放的目标迈进,历史性地实现《巴黎协议》。
From September 12 to 14, San Francisco, a city in the U.S. state of California, will host Global Climate Action Summit through which leaders and citizens of each state across the globe will Take Ambition of combating climate change to the Next Level. States and regions, cities, businesses, investors and citizens from around the world will come together to celebrate achievements in climate change. Meanwhile the summit is expected to further inspire deeper commitments from the whole world and push each state to speed up climate action with support from all sectors of society, in a bid to guard against the dangers of climate change, move toward the goal of reducing global carbon emissions by 2020 and realizing zero emission by mid-century, and take a historic step to fulfill the Paris Agreement.

上一篇:2017-12-27 品格翻译继续为某日资公司提供高级日语翻译(Environmental Protection Translation, Chinese-Japanese),翻译方向:中译日。翻译内容:《场地环境评价报告》。
下一篇:2017-9-26 品格翻译继续为某全球能源咨询公司提供高级英语翻译(Electricity Translation)。翻译方向:英译中;翻译内容:《英国批发电价预测报告》。