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Translating Green Industry Guidance Catalogue (2019 Edition) for WWF, Chi-Eng. 我们为某世界级基金会提供翻译。翻译内容:《绿色产业指导目录(2019年版)》。翻译语种:中译英。
2.4 生产过程节水和废水处理处置及资源化综合利用
2.4 Water Conservation during Production and Treatment, Disposal & Comprehensive Utilization of Wastewater
2.4.1 生产过程节水和水资源高效利用
2.4.1 Water Conservation and Efficient Utilization of Water Resources during Production
包括工业冷却用水节水改造、热力和工艺用水节水改造、洗涤用水节水改造、建设循环用水系统、蒸汽冷凝水回收再利用、外排废水回用、非常规水资源利用、堵漏修复等。需符合《节水型产品通用技术条件》(GB/T 18870)、《节水型卫生洁具》(GB/T 31436)、《钢铁企业节水设计规范》(GB 50506)、《节水型企业评价通则》(GB/T 29725)、《节水灌溉工程技术规范》(GB/T 50363)等国家标准。
Including water-saving transformation for industrial cooling water, water-saving transformation for heating and processing water, water-saving transformation for washing water, the construction of system for recyclable utilization of water, the recyclable utilization of steam condensate, the recyclable utilization of effluent wastewater, the utilization of unconventional water resources, repair for water blockage and leakage and so on, which should conform with national standards such as Technical Conditions for Water Saving Products and General Regulation for Management (GB/T 18870), Sanitary Fixture for Water Saving (GB/T 31436), Code for Design of Water Saving for Iron and Steel Enterprises (GB 50506), General Principles for Evaluation of Resource Conserving Enterprises (GB/T 29725), and Technical Standard for Water-saving Irrigation Project (GB/T 50363).
2.4.2 重点行业水污染治理
2.4.2 Water Pollution Control in Key Industries
Including the cleaning transformation in key industries such as papermaking, coking, nitrogen fertilizer, non-ferrous metals, printing and dyeing, agricultural and sideline food processing, active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturing, leather construction, pesticide and electroplating, which must be in line with the discharge standard for water pollutants of each industry.
4.2.2 动植物资源保护
4.2.2 Plants and Animals Protection
包括濒危野生动植物抢救性保护、生物多样性保护、渔业资源保护、古树名木保护等,符合《珍稀濒危野生植物保护小区技术规程》(LY/T 1819)、《珍稀濒危野生植物种子采集技术规程》(LY/T 2590)、《中国森林认证 生产经营性珍稀濒危植物经营审核导则》(LY/T 2603)、《生物多样性观测技术导则》(HJ 710.1-HJ 710.11)、《水生哺乳动物饲养设施要求》(SC/T 6073)、《水族馆术语》(SC/T 6074)、《水生哺乳动物谱系记录规范》(SC/T 9409)、《水族馆水生 哺乳动物驯养技术等级划分要求》(SC/T 9410)、《水族馆水生哺乳动物驯养水质》(SC/T 9411)、《自然保护区建设项目生物多样性影响评价技术规范》(LY/T 2242)、《自然保护区生物多样性调查规范》(LY/T 1814)、《森林生态系统生物多样性监测与评估规范》(LY/T 2241)、《海洋调查规范》(GB/T 9411)、《海洋渔业资源调查规范》(SC/T 9403)、《水库渔业资源调查规范》(SL 167)、《城市古树名木养护和复壮工程技术规范》(GB/T 51168)、《古树名木复壮技术规程》(LY/T 2494)等标准。
Including the rescue and conservation of endangered wildlife, biodiversity protection, the protection of fishery resources, the protection of ancient and famous trees, etc., in accordance with such standards as Technical Protocols of Small Nature Reserves on Protecting Rare and Endangered Wild Flora (LY/T 1819), Technical Regulations of Seed Collection for Rare and Endangered Wild Plant (LY/T 2590), Forest Certification in China – Artificial Planted Endangered Plants Certification Audit Directive (LY/T 2603), Technical Guidelines for Biodiversity Monitoring (HJ 710.1-HJ 710.11), Requirements for Aquatic Mammal Rearing Facility (SC/T 6073), Terminology of Aquarium (SC/T 6074), Recording Requirements for Studbook Keeping of Captive Aquatic Mammals (SC/T 9409), Grade of Aquatic Mammal Rearing Techniques in Aquariums (SC/T 9410), Water Quality for Aquatic Mammals in Aquariums (SC/T 9411), Technical Regulation for Biodiversity Impact Assessment of Construction Project in Nature Reserve (LY/T 2242), Regulation of Biodiversity Survey for Nature Reserve (LY/T 1814), Specification of Biodiversity Monitoring and Evaluation for Forest Ecosystem (LY/T 2241), Specifications for Oceanographic Survey (GB/T 9411), Technical Specification for Marine Fishery Resources Survey (SC/T 9403), Standard for the Investigation of Reservoir Fishery Resources (SL 167), Technical Code for Routine Maintenance and Rejuvenation of Historic Trees in the City (GB/T 51168), and Technical Regulations for Protection and Rejuvenation of Ancient & Famous Woody Plants (LY/T 2494).
4.2.3 自然保护区建设和运营
4.2.3 Construction and Operation of Nature Reserves
符合《自然保护区名词术语》(GB/T 31759)、《自然保护区类型与级别划分原则》(GB/T 14529)、《自然保护区总体规划技术规程》(GB/T 20399)、《自然保护区生态旅游规划技术规程》(GB/T 20416)、《自然保护区管护基础设施建设技术规范》(HJ/T 129)、《国家级自然保护区规范化建设和管理导则(试行)》(环函〔2009〕195号)、《自然保护区综合科学考察规程(试行)》(环函〔2010〕139 号)等标准。
Construction and operation of nature reserves shall comply with standards such as Nature Reserve Terminology (GB/T 31759), Principle for Categories and Grades of Nature Reserves (GB/T 14529), Technical Regulations for the Nature Reserve Master Plan (GB/T 20399), Technical Regulations for the Nature Reserve Ecotourism Plan (GB/T 20416), Technical Guidelines for the Construction of Management and Conservation Infrastructure of Nature Reserves (HJ/T 129), Guidelines for the Standardized Construction and Management of State-level Nature Reserves (for trial implementation) (H.H. (2009) No.195), and Technical Rules for Comprehensive Scientific Investigation of Nature Reserves (for trial implementation) (H.H. (2010) No.139).
6.5.7 资源综合利用产品认定推广
6.5.7 Identification and Popularization of Products with Comprehensive Utilization of Resources
Including the identification and popularization of products with comprehensive utilization of resources, such as cement, tile and other products included in the National Catalogue of Products with Comprehensive Utilization of Industrial Solid Waste Resources, and identification and popularization of remanufactured products listed in the Catalogue of Remanufactured Products. The authentication process shall conform to the requirements of relevant national standards, industrial standards or technical codes.
6.5.8 绿色建材认证推广
6.5.8 Authentication and Popularization of Green Building Materials
Including the authentication and popularization of such green building materials as energy-saving glass, water-saving close stool, thin tile, water-based paint, masonry material, thermal insulation material, premixed concrete, and premixed mortar. The authentication of green building materials shall strictly follow through on the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Measures for the Management of Assessment Logo of Green Building Materials, the Assessment Guidelines for Green Building Materials and other rules. 

上一篇:Business Translation for Wanda Group, Chi-Eng. 我们为万达集团提供翻译;翻译内容:万达产业发展报告;翻译语种:中译英。
下一篇:MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION (ENG - CHI) 我们为某大型集团公司提供商务翻译(英译中),翻译内容:公司组织章程大纲及章程细则。